JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Features and Limitations

Beans that are deployed to a CDI container will automatically be registered with Errai and exposed to your GWT client application. So, you can use Errai to communicate between your GWT client components and your CDI backend beans.

Errai CDI based applications use the same annotation-driven programming model as server-side CDI components, with some notable limitations. Many of these limitations will be addressed in future releases.

  1. There is no support for CDI interceptors in the client. Although this is planned in a future release.

  2. Passivating scopes are not supported.

  3. The JSR-299 SPI is not supported for client side code. Although writing extensions for the client side container is possible via the Errai IOC Extensions API.

  4. The @Typed annotation is unsupported.

  5. The @Interceptor annotation is unsupported.

  6. The @Decorator annotation is unsupported.

Other features

The CDI container in Errai is built around the Errai IOC module, and thus is a superset of the existing functionality in Errai IOC. Thus, all features and APIs documented in Errai IOC are accessible and usable with this Errai CDI programming model.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-10 12:34:51 UTC, last content change 2012-08-07 15:33:29 UTC.